This trimester we had been reading Where the Red Fern Grows by
Wilson Rawls. It was a good book. When we read the last part, some of
my classmate started crying. Our final exam was to write an essay on
what the author’s purpose is. Since Wilson Rawls is religious there are a
lot of miracles in the book. Here is my essay: Author’s Purpose The author is trying to tell us that God has plans for everything. God’s biggest plan was mom’s prayer. Mom’s prayer was to move to town to get education for kids. God’s first plan was to give Billy his pups. Gods second plan was to let the pups earn money. God’s final plan was to take the dogs away from Billy so Billy would get education. If God hadn’t taken the dogs away, Billy would have stayed with his grandpa and not gotten any education. God wants Billy to know that He has Billy’s dog in heaven and wants Billy to understand that He had taken the dogs away from him for some reason. He lets Billy know by sending an angel to plant the red fern.